
All About OLOL's Nursery & Preschool Programs

Our Lady of Lourdes Nursery and Preschool offers an early childhood program and welcomes children of all abilities and backgrounds. Our goal is to ensure that the children of OLOL thrive in a supportive and nurturing school environment with experienced teachers who understand developmental, cognitive, social, emotional, and spiritual needs within a Christian environment.

Use the buttons below to learn more.

After School Care

The ASC program provides supervised, structured after-school care for students in grades Little Group through eight. Coverage is available from dismissal time until 6 pm. During After Care, students have an opportunity to work on their homework, have a snack, and play outside. Younger children also have an opportunity to nap if necessary.

ASC students can work on their homework in the Homework Lab under the supervision of a teacher in a quiet setting.


Director: Ms. Irma Oropeaza

Phone: (240-305-4129)

Lunch & Milk Programs

Lunch Schedule

Grades LG-3:

11:30 am – 11:55 pm

Grades 4-8:

11:55 pm – 12:25 pm

OLOL & Mamma Lucia

Students can bring lunch to school in a lunch box or brown bag. We ask that parents not bring fast food or carry-out food to school for their children.

Before the beginning of each quarter, parents can choose to order lunch up to 5 days a week. (All purchases are made on the school website.)

Daily milk can be ordered on OLOL’s school website. Orders are placed once at the beginning of the school year.

Milk Program

Milk is available to our students at a small cost as part of a federally funded program which enables parents to purchase milk at a reduced rate.

Students in grades Little Group through 8 are eligible to receive milk at lunch.

The fee for one carton of milk, per child at lunch, is $55.00 per school year.

Milk can be purchased through the OLOL School Store.

Where & when can I place my order(s)?
All orders must be submitted online before the start of each quarter. Please note that we will not serve hot lunch on ANY days we have an early dismissal (those dates are available on the school calendar).

Below is the schedule for submitting your order(s):

First Quarter deadline: August 23; lunch served Sept 3 - Nov 1

Second Quarter deadline: October 28; lunch served Nov 4 - Jan 17

Third Quarter deadline: January 13; lunch served Jan 21 - Mar 27

Fourth Quarter deadline: March 17; lunch served Mar 31 - Jun 5

For more information about OLOL’s Lifelong Scholars After School Programs

CYO Sports

Our Lady of Lourdes offers student sports through CYO. It is a parent and faculty supported program that focuses on fun, teamwork and sportsmanship. The school offers four sports during the school year for students of all ages. Students must pay a one-time fee at the beginning of the school year to be eligible to play.

CYO also distributes periodic newsletters with coaches' game reports and photos submitted by parents and players.

If you have additional questions, please e-mail Mrs. Colleen Quinn:

CYO News

1) All Coaches (ALL SPORTS) and AD's must complete the following in order to participate in Parish Athletic Programs:

  • ADW Child and Youth Protection & Safe Environment Requirements:

    • Virtus Training

    • Fingerprint Background Check

  • Coach Code of Conduct Form*

  • Coach CYO Participation & Consent Waiver Form*

  • Play Like A Champion Today - Coaching As Ministry Clinic

  • For more information or to register please visit the website:

Please contact your parish Virtus Coordinator to complete the ADW Child and Youth Protection & Safe Environment Requirements. You can access the forms and trainings on our website at:

2) Remind your Athletes and Parents that they must complete the following before participating in any CYO Parish Athletic Programs:

* These are now one time forms, they do not need to be filled out again if you, your coaches, or your parent/athletes have already filled it out earlier in the 2021 calendar year.

** After completing this course make sure to send your Certificate to Mary Fava at

CYO Sports

  • In the Fall, the school fields soccer teams for students in grades 1 through 8. These teams play games once a week against other Catholic schools and practice once or twice a week, depending on age. Practices are at the school's state-of-the-art turf field and game locations are determined by the league. For students in Pre-K and Kindergarten, the school offers a weekly soccer clinic on the school's turf field.

  • Students in grades 1 through 8 may run cross-country. The team will practice once or twice a week and have races on Sundays. Races will be against other Catholic schools and locations are determined by the league. An additional, per-student fee may apply to students running cross-country.

  • In the Winter, the school fields basketball teams for students in grades 3 through 8. The teams practice once or twice a week at the school gym and play games a locations determined by the league. For students in Kindergarten through 2nd grade, the school invites a privately run clinic to teach basketball fundamentals in the school gym. This clinic is available for a small additional fee.

  • In the Spring, the school fields a track team for students in grades 1 through 8. The team practices near the school, often at the B-CC High School track, and competes in meets on weekends.